This is what a Dutch patent from 1960 looks like

In case you were wondering (and I know you were) what a Dutch patent from 1960 looks like, I have scanned one and embedded it in this post. This particular item is of particular significance to me, since it lists my grandfather as one of the inventors (Hendrik van Kranen). It is written in Dutch so if your mastery of the Dutch composition is not up to scratch, then you will probably not enjoy reading it as much as I have. However, I may attempt a translation at some point and when I do, I will of course share it here.

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Embedding PDF files in wordpress

I have for some time now been toying with the idea of making it possible to post PDF files on this blog and allowing my audience to read such documents with an embedded pdf reader. This would make it feasible to post lengthier texts without having to scroll down endlessly, or texts that require me to type characters that a browser wil not support (such as mathematical symbols) or even sheet music. And as it so happens, it would appear there exists a plug-in that enables me to do just that. It’s called Google Doc Embedder and it certainly appears to work like a charm. Below this text I have embedded a PDF file I wrote about 7 years ago, for the purpose of illustrating what can be achieved with document embedding. And I have to say, it seems to be rendered quite nicely.

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