Resolving ‘fontspec’ and ‘xymtex’ package conflict

If you want to typeset beautiful chemical structures using LaTeX, then you will almost certainly wish to consider using the XyMTeX package. But if you want to concurrently use the fontspec package, because you desire more freedom in selecting fonts for your document, then you may encounter the following error when compiling your document: 

LaTeX Error: Command ‘\Gamma’ already defined.

Inspired by a thread in which is similar error is discussed—but instead pertaining to the simultaneous loading of fontspec with some other package—I have discovered that the solution for this problem appears to be a matter of simply loading the fontspec package with the “no-math” option, like thus: 


How to make porridge

This is how one prepares a tasty porridge. Take 150 mL of oats and 225mL of skimmed-milk—add them together in a cooking pot. Apply low to medium heat and wait for the mixture to  come to a boil. Now add a little more than half a tablespoon of clotted cream and stir until the cream has completely dissolved and the porridge has achieved a nice thick smooth consistency. Finally, transfer the porridge to a bowl for serving. Sprinkle the steaming concoction generously with unrefined cane sugar. And it is most advisable to add a generous tablespoon of single malt Scotch whisky, preferably from a region of the highlands of Scotland were the kilts are still worn without undergarments.